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2014 construction project management statistics
Source: | Author:sounrun | Published time: 2016-03-22 | 4232 Views | Share:

Ministry of housing and urban-rural development

According to the statistical system of construction supervision regulations, we of the 2014 national qualified construction engineering supervision enterprises basic data of the statistics, are published as follows:

One, enterprise distribution of

2014 there were 7,279 construction engineering supervision enterprises participated in the statistics, compared with the previous year or 6.73%. Among them, the integrated intelligence Enterprise 116, 16%; grade a qualification to 3,058, 10.92%; class b qualification 2,744, 5.54%; c qualification 1334, decrease of 0.52% firms qualification to 27, 22.72%. Specific distribution see table ~ table for three.

Table, the national distribution of construction engineering supervision enterprises by region


Table II national distribution of construction engineering supervision enterprises by type of industrial and commercial registration

Table III, the national distribution of construction engineering supervision enterprises according to professional categories

* The statistical data the statistics relates to professional qualification categories are divided by the main business.

In China, the second

By the end of 2014, engineering supervision enterprises employing 941909 people, compared with the previous year or 5.76%. Among them, employing 741354 people, accounting for 78.71% of the total number of employees at the end; temporary hires 200555, 21.29% per cent of total number of employees at the end; project management practitioners for the 703187, 74.66% per cent of total number of employees at the end.

By the end of 2014, engineering supervision Enterprise 831718 professional and technical personnel people, compared with the previous year or 4.93%. Among them, the senior officers 122065, intermediate grade 369454, junior titles in 212486, others 127713. Total number of professional and technical personnel in China by the end of the 88.3%.

By the end of 2014, engineering supervision enterprises registered practitioner of 201863, compared with the previous year or 9.12%. Among them, registered supervision engineers 137407, compared with the previous year 7.98%, 68.07% per cent of total enrolment; other registered practitioner is 64456, 31.93% per cent of total enrolment.

Third, business contract

In 2014, construction supervision contract amount of 243.524 billion yuan, compared with the previous year or 0.5%. Among them, the supervision contract amount of 127.923 billion yuan, compared with the previous year 4.09%; project management and consulting services, design, tendering, engineering cost consulting, and other business contracts amount to 115.601 billion yuan, compared with the previous year by 3.18%. Construction supervision contract for the total business volume of 52.53%.

Four, financial income

In 2014, the engineering supervision enterprises annual revenues of 222.108 billion yuan, compared with the previous year or 8.56%. Project management income 96.36 billion yuan, compared with the previous year 8.77%; engineering design, project management and consulting services, project bidding, engineering cost consulting, and other business income 125.75 billion yuan, compared with the previous year or 8.39%. Project management revenues total revenues of 43.4%. Among them, 9 business income exceeded 300 million Yuan engineering supervision, 32 enterprises engineering supervision of more than 200 million Yuan, 131 engineering supervision enterprises earning more than 100 million Yuan, project supervision, revenue have billion compared with the previous year the number of enterprises growth 12.93%.