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First passive low energy design standard for energy efficiency of residential buildings in China released
Source: | Author:sounrun | Published time: 2016-03-22 | 2974 Views | Share:
Recently, by the Ministry of housing and urban-rural technology development center, Hebei province, China Academy of building research in conjunction with the relevant authorities to prepare and the passive low energy design standard for energy efficiency of residential buildings, reviewed by the Organization, approved in Hebei province engineering construction standard, numbered DB13 (J)/T177-2015, since May 1, 2015. This standard is the first local passive energy efficiency standards for residential buildings, is a worldwide following in Sweden after the passive low energy code for residential second book about the passive house standard. The technical content of the standard including: General, terms and symbols, definitions and provisions of the passive house,

Passive housing of basic design principles, passive housing of hot workers and energy calculation provides, hot workers calculation, heating load and energy calculation, cold load and air conditioning energy calculation, housing total once energy calculation project and calculation method, enclosure structure design, lighting and shade design, ventilation system design, key material and products performance, fire design, construction workers method, passive housing of test, passive housing of finds conditions, various building energy into into once energy and CO2 emissions volume of calculation method, run management, As well as appendices and provisions. Hebei standards by stipulating that a passive house the indoor environmental quality and energy requirements and limit your heating, air conditioning and total energy consumption of a building, made housing materials performance, and ultimately achieve staff based on the standard of engineering construction built in the case of extremely low energy consumption, with health,

Comfortable indoor environment in houses.

, Offers clear indoor environment as specified in

Passive House is first and foremost a high comfort House, residential building indoor environment as a whole is in a comfortable State, Hebei standards on indoor environment requirements are as follows:

1, an indoor temperature of 20 c ~26 c;

2, ultra-high frequency 10% temperature;

3, indoor carbon dioxide 1000 ppm;

4, retaining structures within the non-transparent parts of the surface temperature does not exceed 3, inner surface of the enclosure temperature is not lower than the indoor temperature of 3 degrees;

5, no condensation on the Interior side of the door;

6, indoor relative humidity should be at 35%~65% for the year;

7, pass through the pipeline and auxiliary channel voice shall conform to 35 dB room, function room is less than 30 dB 30 dB 30 dB, living room and bedroom. Indoor environmental regulations proposed to ensure that the passive house has good indoor environment, avoiding the expense of indoor comfort in Exchange for reduction of energy consumption. Special note is that passive houses allow overheating is the indoor temperature in summer exceeds 26 c number of hours and hours of less than 20 degrees in the winter and, with the ratio of the number of hours for the year frequency ≤ 10%. This provision is taken into account it is possible to select indoor temperature is below 20 degrees in the winter, in summer 26

Above life. Qinhuangdao in the water side of the test results show that when people are free to choose the indoor temperature, the people chose the indoor temperature was 18 degrees in winter; when natural ventilation in summer, the indoor temperature in summer reaches

30 in a comfortable State. Passive house requirements for indoor carbon dioxide 1000 ppm to ensure indoor air must always be fresh all year round. Once over the limit, air units will be automatically added in the fresh air.

Author in Qinhuangdao in winter "at water's edge" experience when trying to live, when the furniture was moved in by the worker, laboratory instruments showed carbon dioxide concentration was 1500 ppm, after a night of sleep, the next day is 800 ppm carbon dioxide concentrations. Enclosure surface temperature differences within the non-transparent parts of no more than 3 and retaining structures within provisions of the surface temperature is not lower than the indoor temperature 3 ° c, passive housing exterior-protected structure of any parts of the thermal insulation properties cannot be undermined. Roofs, external walls and cannot appear on the ground beams, slabs, structural thermal bridges caused by column; part outside the doors and Windows also cannot appear too weak, in order to avoid condensation. Indoor temperature suitable for the year at 35%~65% although the provision is not mandatory, but passive house engineering

Show that this indicator is fully able to meet the requirements. Compared with the average residential, passive house provide suitable humidity environment for people in the winter. Passive house indoor noise have more stringent requirements. Design of national residential GB 50096-1999

5th. 3.1 article: residential bedrooms, a living room (Hall) within the permissible noise level (a level) day should be less than or equal to 50dB, night-time should be less than or equal to 40dB. High-end residential passive houses, its control more strict than the standard value. For the realization of the provisions of this article, it must be taken during the design and construction stages of technical measures, including: the sound insulation performance of doors and Windows, building on its

Line clear: 1 transparent material, outside doors and Windows should be using low-e hollow glass and vacuum glass and its performance should be in line with k 0.8W/(M2 k); glasses total solar energy transmittance g 0.35; glass of selectivity coefficient S=TL/ 1.40.

2, outside the House door and window frame profiles to select wood or plastic, the heat transfer coefficient k 1.3W/(M2 k).

3, the outer door window heat transfer coefficient k 1.0W/(M2 k).

4, Windows should be sealed with three good durability, sealed in every window of at least two locking points, separated and minimize the transparent part of the window frame.

5, good durability of glass spacer using warm edge spacer. Glasses total solar energy transmittance g and provisions of the selectivity coefficient s of clear exterior-protected structure of heat transfer, heat and lighting performance in three areas. Although not many vendors that can produce these performance, but also to meet existing market demand for passive house. Durability of glass spacer should be used well under warm edge spacer, you can avoid the ordinary intervals can cause condensation on the window frame part of the winter side.

Indoor temperature suitable for the year at 35%~65% although the provision is not mandatory, but passive house engineering

Show that this indicator is fully able to meet the requirements. Compared with the average residential, passive house provide suitable humidity environment for people in the winter. Passive house indoor noise have more stringent requirements. Design of national residential GB 50096-1999

5th. 3.1 article: residential bedrooms, a living room (Hall) within the permissible noise level (a level) day should be less than or equal to 50dB, night-time should be less than or equal to 40dB. High-end residential passive houses, its control more strict than the standard value. For the realization of the provisions of this article must be taken during the design and construction stages of technical measures, including: sound isolation performance of Windows and doors, along the floor pipe set, the soundproofing mats, sound insulation measures, between adjacent units, as well as the neighboring sound, to avoid acoustic bridges.